Ein Besuch in Pulsnitz, Herbst 2013

Pulsnitz (obersorbisch Połčnica) ist eine sächsische Kleinstadt im Landkreis Bautzen am westlichen Rand der Oberlausitz, etwa 10 km südlich von Kamenz und rund 25 km nordöstlich der Landeshauptstadt Dresden. Pulsnitz ist Sitz der Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Pulsnitz. WIKIPEDIA


Website Stadt Pulsnitz

Pulsnitz (Sorbian: Połčnica) is a town in the district of Bautzen, in the Free State of Saxony, Germany. It is situated 11 km southwest of Kamenz, and 24 km northeast of the centre of Dresden.

Pulsnitz became famous for its Pfefferkuchen, a type of Lebkuchen, when in 1558 the bakers of Pulsnitz received permission to bake them. Today there are still eight Pfefferküchlereien bakeries. In 1745 the Pfefferküchler Tobias Thomas was known to be practising his craft in Pulsnitz as well as in Thorn in Prussia, where the famous Thorner Kathrinchen were made. Pulsnitz is informally known as Pfefferkuchenstadt meaning "Gingerbread Town".

The first Protestant missionary to arrive in India, Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg was born in Pulsnitz on July 10, 1682.  WIKIPEDIA

Ein Besuch im Pfefferkuchen - Museum

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