picture copyright@ Ilpo B. Helsinki June 2007



Brühlsche Terrasse  Website

Europe's balcony

The Brühlsche Terrasse in Dresden – anyone who strolls along the preserved military fortifications of Dresden, which was converted into a promenade for civilians on the orders of Heinrich, the Earl of Brühl in the mid 18th century, will understand that its nickname "Europe's balcony" is no exaggeration.

Brühlsche Terrasse

The Brühlsche Terrasse is a unique horticultural site, located as it is on a former military site, the Elbe wall of what was once the city's fortifications.

Friedrich August II's cabinet minister, Heinrich Earl of Brühl, gave the terraces their name. In 1739 his Elector gave him the first section of the wall as a present and in subsequent years he commissioned the architect Johann Christoph Knöffel to convert them into an enclosed area for exclusive noble society. Its appearance has of course altered over time. The Sekunogenitur, which was once the Earl's library is the only remaining architecture feature from the time of Brühl's conversion. Its vast collection of around 62 000 volumes means that it was in the same league as the university libraries of Leipzig and Wittenberg.

The terraces with its unique ensemble of landscape gardening and architecture are now one of Dresden's most important promenade stretches. Its nickname "Europe's Balcony" is as relevant today as it ever was.




































The Brühlsche Terrasse in Dresden and the Frauenkirche in the backround
























Zwinger   website


Poetry in the sandstone

Dresden's Zwinger (Bailey). A magnificent barque architectural ensemble. Constructed by the virtuoso artists Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann and Balthasar Permoser for the Elector Friedrich August I. Of Saxony, also known as the Strong.

The Zwinger

A world famous artwork, a combination of architecture, sculpture and painting, was built under the direction of the architect Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann and the sculptor Balthasar Permoser on the orders of the Elector of Saxony August the Strong in 1709. It was initially built as an orangerie, the Zwinger quickly developed to an exemplary venue for August the Strong's courtly parties and representative events and experienced its highpoint, even before it was fully completed, in 1719 as the venue for the wedding celebrations of Friedrich August with the Emperor's daughter Maria Josepha.

Today, located in the historical city centre between Dresden's palace, the catholic court church and the Semperoper, the Zwinger now houses art collections which were founded by the Saxon royal family. The painting gallery is famous worldwide and boasts a fine collection of world masters including works by Albrecht Dürer, Hans Holbein, Lucas Cranach, Rafael and Tizian. Enjoy a guided tour of the gallery buildings, which offers you a magnificent view of the city, climb into the cool water world of the Nymphs' bath and listen to the sound of the Meissener porcelain Glockenspiel - the Zwinger is sure to captivate you.































Semperoper (toiselta nimeltään Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden) on tunnettu oopperatalo Dresdenissä, Saksassa. Rakennus edustaa barokkiarkkitehtuuria tyylikkäimmillään ja sijaitsee teatteriaukiolla, Elbe-joen rannalla.

Oopperatalo rakennettiin alun perin vuonna 1841 arkkitehti Gottfried Semperin johdolla varhaisrenessanssiseen tyyliin. Vuonna 1869 rakennus kuitenkin jouduttiin rakentamaan uudelleen tulipalon sen tuhottua.



The Semperoper is the opera house of the Saxon State Opera Dresden (German: Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden) and the concert hall of the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden in Dresden, Germany. It was first built in 1841, by architect Gottfried Semper.

The building style itself is debated among many, as it has features that appear in the Early Renaissance style, Baroque and even features Corinthian style pillars typical of classical Greece (classical revival). Perhaps the most suitable label for this style would be Eclecticism; where influences from many styles are used- a practice most common during this period.



Die Semperoper in Dresden ist das Opernhaus der Sächsischen Staatsoper Dresden, die als Hof- und Staatsoper Sachsens eine lange geschichtliche Tradition hat. Klangkörper der Staatsoper ist die traditionsreiche Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden.